Many people have the misconception that all moving companies are overpriced and not worth the money. So, instead of getting their help, they try and convince family, friends, co-workers, and anyone who listens to help them with their move. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why this strategy may backfire.
Here are 3 reasons why moving companies really are worth the money.
Hiring a Moving Company Saves You Time
Arguably the best reason for hiring a moving company is the amount of time it will save you. In our society, the saying “time is money” has never held more truth. Between your job, family, and any other commitments you may have, it’s just not practical to spend countless hours preparing for your move.
If you truly value your time, you’ll understand that any work you do to organize your move takes away from something else you could be doing. For example, if you make $50/hour at your job – and you spend 20 hours managing your move – this works out to a price of $1,000.
If you’re paying to do the work anyway in the form of opportunity costs, you may as well just hire someone else to manage your move instead!
Hiring a Moving Company Means Less Stress
If you’ve ever participated in a self-directed move before, you’ll know what we’re talking about here. The entire process can be very stressful. The fear of misplacing or breaking your belongings has you on high alert, and often, this control comes at the expense of sleep and peace of mind.
Hiring a team of professional movers can help to prevent this because they’ll be experienced in the many competencies required for a successful move. These includes packing, transportation, storage, and logistics.
Professional Movers are More Efficient
If you’re like most people, moving is not a fun endeavor. It requires you to plan extensively and can even sometimes put undue physical strain on your body.
Safe to say, it would benefit everyone if this process was finished as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, if you’re only relying on the help of family and friends for your move, the process can drag on for days, even weeks, after you would have liked to be finished.
On the other hand, a company that specializes in moving has the equipment and specific knowledge to get the job finished in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it on your own. If you’re trying to decide whether or not hiring a moving company is worth it, try considering the 3 points mentioned in this post.
Simplify Your Move With Western Moving
Western Moving has the staff, experience, and equipment necessary to move you into your new home as quickly and conveniently as possible. Not only will they make sure your belongings arrive safe and sound, but they can also help you find the perfect place for them in your new home! Contact them today for a free quote.